Equipment leasing

Workboats leasing

Our flexible finance solutions can help your business grow

  • Collaborative
  • Flexible
  • Specialized knowledge
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Werkschip leasen

Workship finance for your company?

At Beequip, we have are happy to provide you with a tailor-made ship financing solution. You know what you need and we arrange the financing. That way we can work together to find the best solution for your business.

Ship finance is a unique field. Customisation is always required. This is where Beequip comes in as an unconventional leasing company. We always finance on the basis of sector and material knowledge. This expertise, which distinguishes us, is exactly what the maritime sector needs.

The advantages of financing a workship with a ship mortgage

Leasing is a flexible solution tailored to the growth of your business. Whether you're leasing a multi-purpose pontoon, workboat, tug or dredger. We know the equipment and prioritise it in the financing solution.

We share a passion for workboats. That's why we're happy to help you fund the workship of your choice. Get in touch and we'll see what's possible.

Buy, rent or finance a workship?

Buying a workship can be a significant investment. If you will be using the workship frequently, it may be wise to choose a boat mortgage instead of buying. This allows you to free up capital for other investments, while at the end of the finance period the workship can be fully yours. Whether you have your eye on a new or used workship, it doesn't matter to us. Need advice? Of course, you can always contact us!

It's possible to lease used or new workboats with Beequip. Because we know the equipment, we can easily determine the value of the workship and then base the lease on that. It doesn't matter if the machine is new or (slightly) used. Not sure whether to buy a new or used vessel? Check out our blog: Do you choose used or new for more information!

Financing a boat with a boat mortgage

Normally at Beequip you can choose between different types of leasing: lease purchase, long term financing or sale & lease back. For ships it works a little differently.

Want more information about a ship mortgage? Please contact us.

Discover your options

Joost van den Berg is sales director workboats and here to answer all your questions. You can contact him via phone or e-mail, see details below.